Posts Tagged ‘ addict ’


So this is it next week is the final episode of the season and we’re off to new York for nationals! WHO’S EXCITED!!! 😀

from the promo looks like:
there is some unscripted things going down
glee club hear Mr schu is leaving 😦
Rachel is wearing a very bright peace


Big fat zero

So thats what i was expecting when i looked at my dashboard because lets be frank i havnt put up a post in donkeys years! first i was away but i managed to slip in a few and now. . . now my internet has died at home so i was supeer excited to get to college to post anything at all!
this isnt really bout anything but im catching up with my programmes to give you reviews and promos.
i just watched 90210 and feel so sorry for silver Adrianna is so horrible i could just!! “ÂŁ”%$&*^% arghhh :@ anyway im loving max and niomi still ❤ ok i proper review thing tomorrow!


Apologies for my brain oozing out!

Ok i couldn’t do it,  i couldnt bare thinking that a day would have gone by without me writing a blog. Am i an addict ?? i think if i look deep down the answer is yes i am addicted to blogging . ( this is where the brain bit comes into it 😀  )

I love the fact that throughout the day my brain is full of thought on how to explian to you what happened in my day or about something i love  it so full that its practically oozing out so  when i blog  i get some of this information out im letting people inside and it feels good 😀

You know its the titles that get me and i always think about them in work , yes in the place of god ( a nunnery) !I actually didnt feel like blogging today because i heard someone say something about a family member then some one ate 5 of my jaffacake bars!! they were suppose to be for college so yes i was kind of annoyed.


but then my brain was oozing i i wouldn’t of been able to sleep so here it is! this is me talking to the world now please comment back its killing me!!!