Posts Tagged ‘ snow ’

screen saver!

Many of you have been looking for festive wallpapers or screensavers for you phones and laptops so on anyway my point is why do we do this?
When its easter we change it to a little cute bunny with easter eggs, valentines day and the love hearts start appearing, Halloween and bam theres the pumpkings or the scary face or something like that appears and then christmas . Oh how i do love christmas because there are SO MAY wallpapeps available perhaps you want the snow with a little snow man popped at the side, how about the nice warm fireplace next to the tree ( FIRE HAZARD! I REPEAT FIRE HAZARD) simple things such as a turkey, tinsel a tree. Yes we all have these depending on the day and the holiday but is it to show our holiday spirit? or is it because we are going a bit coo-coo and are brains are so overwelmed that we need the constant reminder of the day date holiday and how long we have left to buy the turkey!

so here i give you a few christmas wallpapers ( incase your looking!)

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well this was a pointless post but its a post dont complain.

On a side not thats not at the side but is at the bottom im on season 5 episode 10 of greys anatomy and these past few days i have been performing surgery’s in my dreams and taking patients to the OR. also yesterday i decided to perform my own anatomy on a cooked chicken so i apologise to my mother for destroying her sunday dinner!

thankyou thankyou and goodnight fellow chipmunks!


whats new scooby doo?

whats up guys! So this is going to be short and to the point today i put up my nains chritmas tree and decorated her lounge. simple as that felt good except there was rain outside instead of snow sad face. any how this is what it looks like 😀

And my song for day 4 of the countdown?
Michael Buble -winter wonderland

I love this song no matter who sings it’s so christmasy and with micheal voice just gives it that old new york jazz bar feeling 😀

Happy December yall
(p.s. just seen the grit lorry go past woo frost is coming=snow)


(Mince pies homemade in work . . Yum Yum!)


Its friday people and day 2 of the countdown! Today i got up late for work :/ yes i know but i worked hard instead so its all good and now well now i am playing on sims on the computer while writing this and watching the good wife. Talk about multi-tasking! Well its the middle of the day so i can’t really say what else i have done, ooooooh i had a omlette for my dinner . . . . . yep thats it! ok your christmas song of today is:
Dean Martin-Let it Snow