Posts Tagged ‘ blog ’

gossip girl 2012 review

This episode was definitly a chair episode and after the christmas brake im sure all fans were very pleased with the ep.

So Gossip girl was back with a bang 2 months after the car crash. We learn Chuck is still alive but Blair has lost her baby.

She is putting on a brave face but deep down inside she is distraught spending all of her time planning her wedding or going out and not even letting Dorota accompany her. Chuck and Louis are getting worried and the episode opens with them talking outside during the evening during a horrible rainy night. They go back to Blairs place to dry off and while Louis is away chuck see’s Blair. This is really wen you get to see what the situation is with them after declaring their love for eachother in the car. Blair is more than eager to leave but Chuck wants to know how she is and if she still loves him.

Louis and Chuck are suspicious of Blair as she is keeping very quiet and spending a lot of time out so they doa loittle investigating and find out that she has been spending time with Humphrey.

So is Dan Having an affair with Blair?

Sorry Dair fans the anwser is no but these two close friends have a secret that they are sharing and that secret happens to be a privatly owned building guarded by a gate.

During the spectator new years eve party Louis and Chuck plan to expose the affair and confront them infront of everyone. Serena doesn’t think this is the right things to do and puts a stop to it all. She talks to Blair for the first time since the crash and Blair tell her how she feels about loosing the baby and her love for Chcuk. Blair explains that when Chuck was still unconcoius she went to the hospital chapel to pray. She asked god to save Chuck and in return she would forget about him and carry on to marry Louis, just after she has finished saying this the doors burst open and there in the light stand the nurse who tells blair that Chuck is awake and Asking for her.

Because of this Blair has been going to church with Dan ( yes i know how crazy is it that Blair , once the most scandelous upper east sider has turned to god!) to help her deal with her issues. On hearing this Serena decides to protect Blair and tell’s Chuck and Louis they have it all wrong its not Blair who is seeing Dan, it is infact her and Blair was just being a good friend and hiding their relationship.

So Blair and Louis are back on track and now Dan and serena are pretending to be.You couldn’t help but feel sorry for Chuck when midnight struck he was standing all alone while everyone else had a partner with them 😦

Later on on her way back homw Blair visits Chuck to tell him that they cant be together but that doesn’t mean she will stop loving him aww ❤ This has to be one of the best Chair moments ever. Their story is so side but is coming as iconic as Romeo & Juliet. Blair wants to love Chuck but feels even if she does secretly something will happen to him , while chuck is a changed man. He has become someone who can love another person but the person he loves is to scared to love him. Whenever they have tried to be togther in the past something has always come between them:(

what else happened on the upper east side?
-Gossip girl has gone!?!?! – people think she is the reason the crash happened.
-Serena is the new gossip girl – as the public don't trust GG they have been sending their blasts to Serena
– Vera wang made a appearance – Blair was crying in her wedding dress because it was made while she was pregnant but no worries Blair Vera has your back and made another 😀
-The real charlie Rodes – Lilly went to find Charlie but when she thought it was her it wasn't, but we as the viewers know that the girl is the real charlie and lilly is looking for the chivy charlie! We didn't even need the scene with the picture in the purse to know that it was the real Charlie. How will this story progress? and where is Chivy??
-Nate find out that the car Blair and Chuck took was meant for him and gossip girl wants to help him find the person responsible!

A totally amazing return from gossip girl scoring a solid 5/5 stars from me im just so excited for the 100th episode!
what did you think of the episode? comment below!


two places at once

so some people may have noticed that i haven’t been posting any blogs lately . Well the reason for this is i have found another site to blog on, but that doesnt mean im going to abandon my beloved wordpress accout.

I like this site better because the stats are so detailed and you know what people are looking for and you have like unlimited memory (well i think) while the other is more complicated and restricted. But then on the other hand i dont have to upgrade on to have music on my page but here if i wanted music i have to upgrade and even if i dont upgrade i can still stick youtube videos but they arent automatic. so thats my problems with each of the sites! you wont miss out though wordpress im going to post everything i do on moon fruit here so i can see the difference in views and so on call it a liitle experiement!
so check out my other site that has far more blogs and music and even a logo! oh yeah go me ! 😀 :

So thanks for sticking by and i will post or copy a post that i did on moonfruit before!

good day

Holy poop

that how i feel right now im scared nervous terrified just like ahhhhhhhhhhh. Ok so i was going to turkey to be an aupair then i changed my mind but the family was amazing and i felt really bad so i ignored them for a bit but then today just now several seconds ago i sent them a email telling them and they havent replied! im so nervous!!!holy poop cake my hand is even shaking i just have to write this to distract me even though its not but still ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

give me just a little more time

So basically i failed. i failed my mission to watch every single episode there is of greys anatomy check out the timeline:
greys anatomy-
5/12/11 21.30 e1s01
-season 2 episode1 6/12/11 1.40
6/12/11 1pm s02e2-s02e05 4pm
7/12/11 3.30ams2e06 4.10am
7/12/11 15.30-s2e07- 8/12/11 5.26am s2e24 8/12/11 16.12-s2e25-17.07
19.00 9/12/11 s2e26-9/12/11 since then today is 12/12/11 and im on s03e17 21.34
3.22am 13/12/11 s3e21
13/12/11 17.12pm s3e22
14/12/11 04.52 s4e4
15/12/11 s4e7 15.40
15/12/11 22,57 s4e10
16/12/11 03.15 s4e14
18/12/11 02.52 s5e2
19.12,11 1.08 s5e8
20/12/11 1.49 s5e20
20/12/11 22.13 s6e1
21/12/11 3.04 s6e5
22/12/11 20.07 s6e12
23/12/11 10.26 s6e14
24/12/11 01.24 s6e20
24/12/11 20.12 s7e1

see this above this is where i managed to get to before chrsitmas day. yes i am a whole season and 9 episodes short of the target but people ive had to sleep, eat, shop and go to college so forgive me! Saying that watching 7 seasons in 20 says i mean that has to deserve some kind of medal right? anyway my point is i have decided on behalf of you that you have given me untill the first second of 2012 for me to watch the rest. Coming towards the past couple of days i have felt that watching it has been a chore rather than a fun and enjoyable experience so thanks for the extra time 😛

Speaking of the date: MERRY CHRISTMAS.

you have been busy looking for blogs about christmas and i muchly appreciate that as it has brought large amounts of traffic to my blog. I shall keep you posted on what i have been up to in a blog coming to cinemas near you soon! lol!




What up peeps! so i think ive gone crazy . . no i correct myself i have lost my marbles! ok you know im just not being that person, that commited person i use to be not so long ago. I use to be commited to my tv shows, youtube subscribers, blogs, college,family. . . . . the list can go on but the truth of the matter is im not, im not commited anymore.

Did you know this week is study week in college and i was good i emailed all of my tutors asking “do you need me in this week” (as you do) only one replie so i just stayed off instead of going to college to finish the work i have and turning up to the lessons i have with the tutors that dont reply. Youtube thats another big thing i dont put up videos but if i subscribe to someone they can be sure i will watch their video’s well they use to be sure you know i subscribe to ijustine and im ashamed to say that i haven’t watched her videos in over a week! i feel terrible! Friends and people- i dont get to see poeple much cos most of my firends are at uni and family live away but ooooooooo i go on face book and pop goes the chat box . . . . . honestly i can’t be bothered. I can’t be bothered to have the same conversation i always have on facebook it bores me, so i try and go a little random and BAM instantly these people think im coo-coo. I apologise if i dont put in full stops and all that shizz learn to read on longer breaths!

so anyway im just grrrrrrrrrrrrr you know!

Greys anatomy is coming on well but imm not sure if im going to make it! im 10 minutes from the end on season 3 episode 25 cally has just told izzy that she and george are trying for a baby, lol izzy’s eyes nearly popped out her head! lol i love thyis show. you wanna know when ive been watching the show? check out my version of “keeping track of the show”=
greys anatomy- 5/12/11 21.30 e1s01 -season 2 episode1 6/12/11 1.40
6/12/11 1pm s02e2-s02e05 4pm
7/12/11 3.30ams2e06 4.10am
7/12/11 15.30-s2e07- 8/12/11 5.26am s2e24
8/12/11 16.12-s2e25-17.07
19.00 9/12/11 s2e26-9/12/11
since then today is 12/12/11 and im on s03e17 21.34
3.22am 13/12/11 s3e21
13/12/11 17.12pm s3e22
13/12/11 22.45 s3e25

And that is really how i eep track its on a little post it note next to my christmas list post it note and my “thoughts that are really awesome and i must remeber” post it note that is next to my “awesome dreams that could be awesome movies if people could see dreams” post it note.

speaking of last night i was in a grotty little flat with bliar waldorf,her baby (boy) and serena because dan and chuck wanted to show me how low she had got since discovering the prince had turned back into a frog. It was tres amazing and as you can guess a dream!

well good day/ night fellow warriors
the battle of everyday life continues
see you in the next round!


nearly missed it

so sorry guys ive been distracted and nearly missed day 5 of the countown so im going to keep it short!

Song of the day?
Slade-merry christmas everybody

Current status on greys anatomy?
beginning episode 4 right now

this measn today i have wathched 2 hours and 36 mins ( including the 5 min brakes) of greys only how long left!

well enjoy days 6 isnt to far away!

I think ive gone crazy!

ok please forgive me this isnt my christmas countdown blog! This is a ” i have been on all my social networks and tweeted, commented and updated my status so many times that if i do it one more time people are going to kill me” blog. So i have come here to wordpress to tell the world:

156 x 43.20 (average) =6739.70 minutes

6739.70 / 60 = 112.32 hours

112.32 + (5×156) = 112.32 + (780/60) = 112.32 + 13

= 125.32

This number above my friends is how many hours it will take me to watch greys anatomy from the very first episode up untill the most current one season 8 episode 9. This time includes 5 minute brakes to switch to the next episode or possibly eat. Depending on my schedule this also may be the only time for power naps or an alternative is to make fresh coffee.

This is 5 days and a bit of constant tv. Im not going to do that ( because my mum wont let me and i need to go to college) But i thought along with this countdown with only 20 days to go i will complete this task of watching every episode of greys anatomy up until season 8 episode 9 . i must do this before christmas day no matter what.

so if im correct on average every day i will need to watch 125.32/20= 6 hours of greay anatomy a day
This may get ugly!

whats new scooby doo?

whats up guys! So this is going to be short and to the point today i put up my nains chritmas tree and decorated her lounge. simple as that felt good except there was rain outside instead of snow sad face. any how this is what it looks like 😀

And my song for day 4 of the countdown?
Michael Buble -winter wonderland

I love this song no matter who sings it’s so christmasy and with micheal voice just gives it that old new york jazz bar feeling 😀

Happy December yall
(p.s. just seen the grit lorry go past woo frost is coming=snow)

christmas time!!

so tomorrow is the first of December and im am feeling rather christmasy this year already 😀 so this is just a quick post to say that everyday in december i shall be writing a small blog just saying what ive been up to but also including my christmas song of that day!

Remember everybody tomorrow is when we start opening up the calanders so whether you have a chocolate behind the door or simply a picture there will only be 24 days left untill


happy last day of november all and i shall post next month 😛


pass the tissues

so ive had a cold not like brrr im cold pass me my gloves, like ahhhhhhhhh im ill pass the tissues lockets and anything else you can find then lock me in my room so i wont spread germs kind of cold ! i mean everyone does this time of year and if you ahvent well hide because the germs are on the loose! And you know what else is annoying me?? my stupid S button on my laptop isnt working properly and i have no idea why so if i write loads and you dont understand it dont blame me, blame the stupid letter S!! what else ooh im just going to let iot all out tell the world whats going on i mean thats what blogs are for arent they? they are like the cheaper option to therapists! so you know i started writing blogs just well to do it then i started to become a little obsessed with how many views post had gotten but you know since starting this way back in april i have now realised ” who cares how many people take a look, i mean yea i am very thankfull to those of you who do look but serioulsy its not about how many views i get its about making good blogs and just getting everything out!” so thats that what else :s hmm its christmas soon :d im rather excited now i have like zero gifts but hey thats the fun of it running around on the last day buying poeple random things! 😀 ok i have no more to say because i have to keep hitting the S button really hard and its annoying me!

ciao for now 😀