Posts Tagged ‘ brain ’

pass the tissues

so ive had a cold not like brrr im cold pass me my gloves, like ahhhhhhhhh im ill pass the tissues lockets and anything else you can find then lock me in my room so i wont spread germs kind of cold ! i mean everyone does this time of year and if you ahvent well hide because the germs are on the loose! And you know what else is annoying me?? my stupid S button on my laptop isnt working properly and i have no idea why so if i write loads and you dont understand it dont blame me, blame the stupid letter S!! what else ooh im just going to let iot all out tell the world whats going on i mean thats what blogs are for arent they? they are like the cheaper option to therapists! so you know i started writing blogs just well to do it then i started to become a little obsessed with how many views post had gotten but you know since starting this way back in april i have now realised ” who cares how many people take a look, i mean yea i am very thankfull to those of you who do look but serioulsy its not about how many views i get its about making good blogs and just getting everything out!” so thats that what else :s hmm its christmas soon :d im rather excited now i have like zero gifts but hey thats the fun of it running around on the last day buying poeple random things! 😀 ok i have no more to say because i have to keep hitting the S button really hard and its annoying me!

ciao for now 😀

Apologies for my brain oozing out!

Ok i couldn’t do it,  i couldnt bare thinking that a day would have gone by without me writing a blog. Am i an addict ?? i think if i look deep down the answer is yes i am addicted to blogging . ( this is where the brain bit comes into it 😀  )

I love the fact that throughout the day my brain is full of thought on how to explian to you what happened in my day or about something i love  it so full that its practically oozing out so  when i blog  i get some of this information out im letting people inside and it feels good 😀

You know its the titles that get me and i always think about them in work , yes in the place of god ( a nunnery) !I actually didnt feel like blogging today because i heard someone say something about a family member then some one ate 5 of my jaffacake bars!! they were suppose to be for college so yes i was kind of annoyed.


but then my brain was oozing i i wouldn’t of been able to sleep so here it is! this is me talking to the world now please comment back its killing me!!!