Posts Tagged ‘ christmas song ’

crazy sprout eaters!

thanks for checking out the post!heres a song to cheer you up!

You know what really annoys me about christmas? the people.

No not the warm loving family and friends (although for some there may be difficulties) but you know when your shopping for those last minute gifts and everyone is going Crazy acting like the the end of the world is approaching and we must go into hiding. I was in a supermarket today and seriously im a good person i stand to the side to let people past when i know they have right of way and say sorry if i accidentally knock someone but No christmas is no acception for some people.

They have nothing else on their mind apart from getting those sprouts, because if they dont all hell will break loose as aunt maple discovers that she will have to spend christmas sproutless, this then leads to everyone drinking to much and telling stories of the old days, grandma will come in giving some home truths on how the stories arent right then BAM joe the older brother throws the plate at the window which then hits his next door neighbour and they have to be taken to hospital. So you see i understand that people are on a mission to get these things otherwise their neighbours might end up in hospital but this doesn’t mean they should charge down the isles hitting other trolleys and mumbling abusive things under their breath!. I for one was very annoyed today its christmas, one day of the year and people want it to be perfect but it doesnt matter ( well i hope not because some of the things i bought people this year! :S lets not go there!!) .

If you ever see me during christmas shopping im the nutcase who is either singing along to myself very loudly or im carting several giant bag behind me in aony but singing to myself! I apologise to your ears all who have experienced this!

Oh and one more point to all the shops out there:

Dear stores all around the world,
you know christmas is here so you know you need to stock up
But may i also remind you (especailly this year) its christmas.
Whats the point of me buying pj’s for my sister if they arent festive,
whats the point of getting dressed christmas morning if i can’t buy a chirstmas jumper!
Why dont you have anything i want in stock!
PLease try harder next year

love amie

merry christmas yall!

screen saver!

Many of you have been looking for festive wallpapers or screensavers for you phones and laptops so on anyway my point is why do we do this?
When its easter we change it to a little cute bunny with easter eggs, valentines day and the love hearts start appearing, Halloween and bam theres the pumpkings or the scary face or something like that appears and then christmas . Oh how i do love christmas because there are SO MAY wallpapeps available perhaps you want the snow with a little snow man popped at the side, how about the nice warm fireplace next to the tree ( FIRE HAZARD! I REPEAT FIRE HAZARD) simple things such as a turkey, tinsel a tree. Yes we all have these depending on the day and the holiday but is it to show our holiday spirit? or is it because we are going a bit coo-coo and are brains are so overwelmed that we need the constant reminder of the day date holiday and how long we have left to buy the turkey!

so here i give you a few christmas wallpapers ( incase your looking!)

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well this was a pointless post but its a post dont complain.

On a side not thats not at the side but is at the bottom im on season 5 episode 10 of greys anatomy and these past few days i have been performing surgery’s in my dreams and taking patients to the OR. also yesterday i decided to perform my own anatomy on a cooked chicken so i apologise to my mother for destroying her sunday dinner!

thankyou thankyou and goodnight fellow chipmunks!


chipmunk christmas!

Christmas, Christmas time is near,
Time for toys and time for cheer.
We’ve been good, but we can’t last,
Hurry Christmas, Hurry fast.
Want a plane that loops the loop,
(Alvin:) Me, I want a Hula-Hoop.
We can hardly stand the wait,
Please Christmas don’t be late.

and this song is going through my head llike a crzy broken record.

Merry christmas all 7 days to go!

over done

So i failed i havent been doing daily blogs that countdown to christmas and include christmas songs while also keeping you up to date on greys anatomy so i predict a new plan:

I just live my life not spending 16 hours a day of watching tv shows then going to college half alive, i also think i should just blog when i have something important to say because that makes it better!

So my update on greys anatomy? Holy smokes i love this show so much i don’t know who my favourite charcter is i like them all for different reasons but im on season 3 episode 3 so far so if your reading this and wondering why im talking about all the old stuff this is why!

When Denny died i was so sad he and izzy would have been great together its a shame they didn’t keep him.
Ok i dont really know what mc dreamys “wife” is called really but anyway i was hoping not to like her but i do!
I don’t know wether meridith is annoying me or not i think this will take time to figure out!

its just a crazy amazing show!

so today im catching up with all my shows from this week, thoughts so far?
Gossip girl: holy jeebus! i really did think it would be nate in that car crash i thought the promo would have been to obvious and even though chuck isn’t doing well there is no way gossip girl would ever get rid of him which is why i know he will make it through even if he is in a bad state chuck bass will survive! And is this how Blair looses her baby? well we only have to wait till january to find out!

Glee: Amazing i really thought the troubled tones would win their song was amazing. I loved that new directions performed abc and i know it was a kind of tribute to michael jackson but they sang for way to long!

Hart of dixie:Love this always! i love the music aswell the producers find amazing songs to fit the scenes. I really want lemon to just not be so southern, she needs to get with the mayor and loosen up and become fun! Be a rebelious lemon!! haha but even though zoe and the mayor are friends anyone think that might be interesting? Aww and she asked for a rain check from wade when he asked her out for a drink :d i do like wade. Speaking of this scene i LOVE the song check it out:
The lumineers-ho hey

Have a good week peeps!

6 & 7/12/11

sorry i missed yesterday all will be explained soon.

Alvin and the chipmunks-all i want for christmas=

Boney m – Mary’s boy

Day 3

jeeze ok i dont know how im going to do this but we shall see how it works out! I have quite a bit say actually in the 24 hours a lot has happened/ been discovered. Have you seen the 13 minute Lady Gaga- marry the night video yet? for those of you who have you will know she spends around 7 minuites talking in monologue about what she remembers, what she wants to remember of the worst day of her life as im writing this all i can hear is her voice in my head reading on what im saying. . . . . its scary. So i loved the video, actually i was scared to begin with that i understood what was happening and why the scences were like they are, and why she did these things but once i read a few comments ( i had to search a while for them) i knew there were others to.

And moving on from that:

Today is soup day for me! It not a national day or anything but thats all i have eaten today! I wen to ASDA hoping to have to parsnip and corriander soup but no they didn’t have this did they. Just my luck! So they said they had a broccoli and stilton (cheese) so i was like yeah sure this is just going to be like cauliflower-cheese but blended up and broccoli. Oh how wrong i was it was ok but after two spoonfulls my mum said it was like eating old smelly socks i was just no. . . i can’t eat this anymore! And then for my second soup of the day i have a three bean soup with mixed pepper for tea, twas very nice and i actually enjoyed that one.

Moving on from that:

The thing you have come to see. My christmas song of the day . So i was watching my first christmas movie of the year ( Deck the halls 2006) and i was feeling all christmasy so i went over to the music channel and this song was on and it made me feel that even more happy and chrismasy! Hope you enjoy its Elton John Step into Christmas:

Happy 3rd day of December! Who else is excited for christmas?



(Mince pies homemade in work . . Yum Yum!)


Its friday people and day 2 of the countdown! Today i got up late for work :/ yes i know but i worked hard instead so its all good and now well now i am playing on sims on the computer while writing this and watching the good wife. Talk about multi-tasking! Well its the middle of the day so i can’t really say what else i have done, ooooooh i had a omlette for my dinner . . . . . yep thats it! ok your christmas song of today is:
Dean Martin-Let it Snow

24 days to go!

well here i am completeing my promise! Today is the first of December and my can’t you feel the christmas atmosphere move in! I went to town today around 4pm and all the christmas lights were on and people were doing their christmas shopping ahhhh santa time!

So what did i do today you ask? Well i got up around 7.30 am had some toats and jam as you do anyway got to college spent an hour and a half doing a law exam which confused my brain so much that i have no idea what i was writting! then spent 5 hours doing business work. Believe it or not i actually finished the work, theres a first time for everything isnt there haha 😀 any way after this i caught the bus and off i went to town to buy headphones ( do you know how long i have been listening to my music through only one ear,on my bus its best to have both in crazy people they are) and raffle tickets for the christmas hamper that me and my group have to raise money forhelp for heroes and

christmas light everywhere ooh jeeze i have no idea what ive been writing i apologise emmerdale is distracting me! i dont usually watch it but im waiting for im a celebrity so you know! Im actually feeling very tired but i was like no i promised to post a christmas song and that is what i shall do!
So here it is my song is a holly jolly christmas by burl Ives ( i would like to thank ijustine because without her i would not know this song existed!)

so enjoy the first of 25 christmas songs i might do up untill new year who knows!

christmas time!!

so tomorrow is the first of December and im am feeling rather christmasy this year already 😀 so this is just a quick post to say that everyday in december i shall be writing a small blog just saying what ive been up to but also including my christmas song of that day!

Remember everybody tomorrow is when we start opening up the calanders so whether you have a chocolate behind the door or simply a picture there will only be 24 days left untill


happy last day of november all and i shall post next month 😛
